Saturday, August 7, 2010

constructie anatomy sketches

A couple of my sketches from the Paul Hudson class.

constructive anatomy

A life size sculpture I did of the human face (female) with the primitive plans of the structure still visible.

constructive anatomy

During a class with Paul Hudson, I studied and produced sculptures and sketches of the human skull. We discussed the proportions and muscles of the neck, collar bone area, and the head itself. We also discussed the differences in ethnicity and gender as well as how age effects everything. Here is the muscular structure of the human skull (female).

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Hello, Please be patience as I'm in the process of moving everything over to this new blog. The reason for doing so is the domain I wanted, which was just my name, JessicaCarroll, was taken. Unfortunately that blog has been abandon since 2003 and I couldn't contact the user. So, I just went with my middle name for awhile but for business purposes I think its better this way.

Like before this blog will showcase my artwork, in various media such as paintings, animation, sequential, and so forth.